Any Ideas? What Do You Want to see at the Old Quaker Steak & Lube in Brick, NJ
Quaker Steak & Lube closed its doors last year because of the coronavirus and they never re-opened again.
Quaker Steak & Lube is located on Cedar Bridge Avenue in Brick, on the edge of Brick Plaza. We were just talking about how we miss it. It was always delicious and a fun restaurant.
It's a good spot for something really good for Brick. What does Brick need? I feel Brick has everything, but I guess there's room for one more thing. What would you like to see in this location?
Quaker Steak & Lube opened in 2012, just two weeks before Superstorm Sandy struck the Jersey Shore. Quaker Steak & Lube is owned by Doherty Enterprises. Doherty Enterprises owns Panera Bread locations, as well.
I think a Rainforest Cafe' would be great there in that location. We need one in Ocean County. We have a lot of out-of-state visitors, why not? Lots of people vacation in Ocean County because of Seaside, Point Pleasant Beach, and everything else we have to offer.
Here's what we love to do. We see a building or a restaurant that recently closed or closed for a while now and we ask you what you'd like to see in the location. What you want to see in these locations is very, very important. People are seeing what you're writing.
So it is the big question; What do you want to see at the old Quaker State & Lube in Brick. Email me at sue.moll@townsquaremedia.com. I'll make a list of what you'd like to see there and we'll see. I do know that there are way too many empty buildings that are closed in Ocean County. I just want them filled.
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