Am I the Only One That Ever Wondered THIS While Driving Over the Seaside Bridge?
How often do you drive over the Seaside bridge, maybe you thought the same thing?
It is weird, but I think about it all the time and now I have the answer. The proper names of the bridges to Seaside, the Thomas A. Mather Bridge, and heading back from Seaside on the J. Tunney Bridge.
The question was how do the bridge people that work in that building on the Thomas A. Mathis Bridge get to work and park. Now, I knew they had those little parking spots up there and room for two cars. But, I never thought it was for the bridge people until I recently saw the sign.
Weird, how could I never have seen the sign? Duh? Driving over the bridge, did you ever think the same thing?
My 15-year-old works in Seaside Park so I go over the bridge a lot more than I ever have. But, I've been on this bridge for years heading to Seaside and I've never even noticed the signs - reserved for bridgework and disabled vehicles.
I feel whenever I drive over the bridge, there's never a car there. I really thought they might get a ride from Toms River or have to ride their bike to the little building. I remember a while ago being at the beach with friends and I had a girlfriend mention to me, how do the bridge people get to the little building?
I never even thought about it, until recently. You bet I texted her and told her that the sign on the bridge tells us where the bridge workers park. She laughed and said she's seen it recently.
Just in case you were wondering. :)
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