92.7 WOBM News Flash Briefing: October 19
A few more days of sun and warmth separate us from a big cool-down. Townsquare Meteorologist Dan Zarrow predicts a temperature plunge beginning Tuesday, ushered in by rainfall.
The Jackson 19-year-old found with a 13-year-old Toms River girl this week is being held on several charges in Ohio, where they surfaced. Jeffrey Trautmann was charged with custody interference of a child under age 18 and drug-related counts, after being stopped for speeding.
Disturbing information about Sandy survivors, five years after the storm, are issued by the New JErsey Resource Project. Their survey found that 22 percent of storm-struck home owners have yet to return to their dwellings, and 70 percent suffer long-term psychological damage.
The Keansburg 18-year-old accused of murdering his 11-year-old neighbor last July is now charged with sexually abusing her as well. A grand jury added the charges to those pending against Andreas Erazo, in the death of Abbiegail Smith.
Everybody to the beach, one more time...to tidy it up before winter. Clean Ocean Action's Fall Beach Sweep takes place at more than 60 spots from Middlesex to Cape May Counties, this Saturday.
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