after the massacre in Vegas, I had a few moments of feeling I'd never see a live show again because the risks, these days, felt too great. But I've had some time to think things through and decided I'm not going to let the criminals impact what I do or don't do. I'm making the decision to buy concert tickets when there's an act I want to see. Sure, I guess part of it is if we all stop going to concerts, that's sort of like letting the bad guys win.
But another reason why you'll see me in audiences again and again is that I love how concerts make me feel. It's like a euphoric high that we all get to experience because we're united for 2 hours, sharing in a common experience. At most concerts nobody cares who you voted for or what your political stance is. Everyone's smiling, moving to the beat, and feeling gratitude and togetherness. In these troubled times, that's the kind of experience I want to keep having. So I'm going to keep going to shows. And hope you'll do the same.
Little Sa'fyre Terry has experienced unimaginable tragedy in her only 8 years of life. This Christmas, you can help bring a little more joy into her world.
Ocean County resident Stephen Sears is currently with the Army stationed in Georgia. While he was away, his family was struck by tragedy. I'll let the GoFundMe page tell the rest of the story:
You know all those silly cat videos that we're usually too busy to watch during the course of our busy days? Today's a day when such escapism might be good for our mental health. I'm not a doctor, but I believe we need some "light" to counter all this trauma and darkness that surrounds us after a tragedy like the one in Boston yesterday...