Look For The TRopoly Float in the Annual Toms River Fire Company #1 Halloween Parade ..... Thousands of votes and here's the winners to be represented on this years float. Visit Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation For More ....
Listen Here For All The Winners
The Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation announced the winner of the Halloween Float Contest ..... Toms River High School North Nautical Stars Theatre Company won the Engage Toms River Fire Company No. 1 Halloween Parade Competition with their 3D TRopoly Board...
Halloween is fast approaching and so is the Annual Toms River Halloween Parade! Engage Toms River and Vote For Your Favorite "Float" That Will Take Part In the Toms River Fire Company Annual Halloween Parade on October 31st!
Jeremy Grunin from the Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation stopped by to chat In-Studio with Shawn and Sue ........
We are proud to be sponsoring the Toms River Artist Community's annual Art in the Park on Saturday, August 22nd from 11:00am until 5:00 pm at Huddy Park. There will be dozens of local musicians, visual artists, poetry readings, children's activities and story telling...
It's the 3rd Annual "Art In The Park" on Saturday, August 22nd in Huddy Park in Downtown Toms River. But NOW is the time to register!
No matter what medium you use to create art .... including music and performance art .... the Toms River Artist Community invites you to sign up and show your art...
The Engage Toms River Community Mural Project is open to all residents in Ocean County where the winning artist will receive a $10,000 prize and wide local and media exposure! There is no restriction on subject matter, just keep it G rated and civic minded please...
The Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation is set to continue it's "Engage Toms River" initiative along with 92.7 WOBM .... and this time we are calling all "Artists"!
Executive Director Jeremy Grunin joined Shawn & Sue to discuss "phase two" of #engagetomsriver .......