I have no plans for the holiday weekend. And I'm not bummed out at all! I'm actually looking forward to some downtime, complete with some mindless TV watching, phone chats with friends in other states, and reading and relaxing in the backyard...
Because of today's rain, many of the Memorial Day Parades and ceremonies got cancelled. And if you have money in a Shore house rental today, I'm sure you're disappointed with today's forecast.
Can we find the silver lining in today's clouds...
Actor/Comedian Nick Offerman offers up a very relaxing and quiet yule log. Maybe perfect for after all the excitement this morning with Santa's arrival .... Enjoy and ssshhhhh "Merry Christmas"
And don't forget to tune in all day for the best in Holiday music with 92.7 WOBM...
I love to travel - see new things, visit historic locations and beautiful places. The only small downside to those kinds of vacations is that you usually spend so much time sightseeing that you don't get to relax all that much.