
Are You Making Gifts Instead of Buying Them?
Are You Making Gifts Instead of Buying Them?
Are You Making Gifts Instead of Buying Them?
It's so nice when people share their talents with one another. I have friends who this week are busy baking biscotti and cookies that they will give as holiday gifts. Another friend is working on a quilt that she'll give her sweetheart for Christmas. These are all lovely expressions of creativity and caring. And, frankly, they're a nice change from store-bought gifts. Plus, there's no risk of getting a duplicate and having to return one of them. Hats off to those of you who share your crafty, culinary or other creative talents at this time of year! Do you have a special skill that you like to share with friends and family? Cooking? Sewing? Knitting? Painting? Decorating? Please share in the Comments section.