
I’m Going To Eat That Frog and Do Taxes Soon
I’m Going To Eat That Frog and Do Taxes Soon
I’m Going To Eat That Frog and Do Taxes Soon
I struggle with getting myself organized for tax time. Rather than dealing with receipts and calculations throughout the year, I just put it off until April 15th is near. Then it's a stressful scramble that my accountant does not appreciate.
How To Keep From Missing Appointments and Deadlines
How To Keep From Missing Appointments and Deadlines
How To Keep From Missing Appointments and Deadlines
I got a bit of a shock at the library earlier.  I owed $6 in fines.  Somehow the loan period came and went quickly before I even thought to check the due date.  Oops!  I’d like to say I learned a lesson and won’t make that mistake again, but I’m not really sure...
Kicking Your Tax Prep Into Gear
Kicking Your Tax Prep Into Gear
Kicking Your Tax Prep Into Gear
I’ve shared in previous blogs my dread of the annual April deadline for filing taxes.  I struggle with compiling my documents and organizing and totaling my receipts.  Year after year it becomes a weight on my back that I resent carrying around...
Whistle While We Work
Whistle While We Work
Whistle While We Work
I spent part of my vacation pondering the year ahead.  What do I want it to look like?  What positive changes can I make?  Have you asked yourself those questions as well?  The answers usually help us make New Years Resolutions so here, in writing, is one of mine.  I’m going try to be more organized, more often.