More focus on and awareness of midwifery care could result in a significant improvement in the health outcomes of both mothers and babies, according to a new report.
Compared to the early days of COVID-19, there are many more clear-cut answers today regarding the potential risks of giving birth and taking care of a newborn during a pandemic.
The health insurance market for employees of New Jersey small businesses is in distress and likely to get worse due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report released this month by the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute.
"Family planning needs don't stop during a public health emergency — people always need access to birth control," said Brittany Lee, policy associate at the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute.
Many of us know about the need for end of life planning but few of us actually do it. Health care advocates are hoping to get more Garden State residents to put end of life plans in place.
The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute is hoping to get local mayors to encourage their communities to take action on things like living wills, senior accommodations and funeral arrangements.
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