Skin cancer is preventable. Yet many of us, still don't take it seriously. Face it, we love our tans, and there's something about laying on the hot sand, soaking in the rays that brings a sense of calmness to our hectic lives.
We have a large "retired" community here in Ocean and Monmouth Counties. One of the largest in the Nation, so picking a place to live and retire is a pretty important decision here at the Shore. Jimmy Buffet, in a recent Rolling Stone article, announced that he's getting into the "retirement village" business...a ...
If few things sound better to you than setting up on the beach in the summer to enjoy some world class entertainment, then the Atlantic City beach is the place to be as we get through the summer!
The next concert on the beach is Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band on August 13th, and we have a unique way for you to win next week!
Yesterday we learned that the summer of 2016's Atlantic City beach concerts will start with Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band on August 13. Personally, I've loved the other AC beach concerts so I am excited!
Dotties House will Host Their 3rd Annual Casino Night Fundraiser "Parrotheads In Paradise" at Hemmingway's Cafe in Seaside Heights .... Friday, November 14th from 6 - 11 pm.
For Sponsorship and/or Tickets Call (732) 295-7380
Executive Director Carol Wolfe Joined Shawn & Sue To Talk About This Great Benefit For Dotties House ...