It was such a strange experience being silent for a week, first to have no ability to physically make any sound; then to be on doctor-ordered vocal rest.
What if my voice never comes back? How will I earn a living? How will I communicate? I'm sure many of you who have had your own health issues have wrestled with similar anxieties.
This flu season is no joke. As soon as I boarded my flight I used wipes to disinfect the tray table, belt buckle and arm rest. And I offered a fresh wipe to the person sitting next to me. I don't want to get sick again so I even put on a hospital mask on the plane!
I woke up Wednesday morning with aches and a fever and soon got a doctor's diagnosis of...the flu. The dreaded flu that has been all over the local, state, and national news. Wow, it just came out of the blue! And wow, it makes the human body feel miserable!
I know that it's pretty inevitable to catch something during the winter. We're cooped up in closed houses, sharing germs as we go about our lives and touch door handles, remote controls, etc.
It's also been a pretty social few weeks with holiday parties and lots of kissing and hand shaking. My friend boycotts all affectionate greetings during the winter. She makes it known that she doesn't want to catch or share any germs. But some of us are natural huggers and we instinctively say, "hi" to people by opening our arms. How do you manage at this time of year. If you're getting over an illness, do you let everyone know? How do you greet people without a handshake, kiss, or hug?
It is still cold and flu season here at the Jersey Shore, so taking preventative measures to stay healthy is a great way to stay on your feet and out of a sick bed! One of the best ways to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands ... h...
Has Your Home Been Hit This Flu Season?
The CDC says "winter" is our worst time for flu here in New Jersey. We did get flu shots at home this year and so far, knock on wood, we have not had any problems. Hopefully with spring around the corner we will see light at the end of the "flu" tunnel.
There have been seven confirmed cases of a tick-borne illness confirmed in Ocean County so far this season, but it's not Lyme Disease.
Babesiosis is spread by the nymph stage of the black-legged tick, or deer tick, and attacks the red blood cells. O...