Through an online petition and social media campaign, Senate Republicans hope to push Gov. Phil Murphy to reverse course on pandemic and fiscal policies.
Not only will employers soon pay higher payroll taxes, but now the state is paying interest to the federal government on the loan it has to pay jobless benefits.
“From Monmouth to Cape May, we’ve seen what happens when you strip police of the power to hold teenagers and young adults accountable for breaking the law."
The latest executive order still requires people at private businesses to mask up to go down the hall to get a drink of water but allows screaming concert-goes to go mask-less for hours.
Health Commissioner Judy Persichilli says the state can't override doctor's notes prescribing quarantine. Closures may soon be decided on case by case basis.
Unemployed workers aren't required to be looking for work during the pandemic – but they must still certify they're ready, willing and available to work.