Clouds in Shape of Queen Elizabeth Appear in Sky After Her Death [PHOTOS]Clouds in Shape of Queen Elizabeth Appear in Sky After Her Death [PHOTOS]Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96 and now many around the world are mourning her death. Chris ReedChris Reed
Many in New Jersey Stunned By Ominous Yet Beautiful Cloud FormationMany in New Jersey Stunned By Ominous Yet Beautiful Cloud FormationBrian Meierdiercks snapped this unbelievable shot and posted it on the New Jersey Nature Lovers Facebook page.Matt RyanMatt Ryan
Fire severely damages Alba’s Pub in ManchesterFire severely damages Alba’s Pub in ManchesterAlba’s sustained heavy fire, smoke, and water damage.Vin EbenauVin Ebenau
Watch Winter Pass ThroughWatch Winter Pass ThroughSometimes on cloudy, chilly afternoons, we can get caught up gazing out the windows and watching they grey sky pass by. And that's exactly what happened in our editorial office today.Justin LouisJustin Louis