Contrary to proper belief, spring cleaning is an icky necessity that should take place a couple of times per year. Whether you’re looking to deep clean your home or zap allergies and air-born illnesses before they can move in these reputable cleaning tools can help you tackle even the toughest cleaning jobs in no time flat.
One of the things we can do, on a positive note during the COVID 19 Pandemic, is to re-organize our homes. This gives you a new look and feel to many rooms in your home.
It's National Clean Your Room Day, so we wanna know what's the dirtiest room in your house? or the room that's hardest to clean?
Living Room
Family Room
Laundry Room
What room would you say is the tough one?
Some people love to clean. I am not one of them. I've posted before about how I have a high tolerance for dust-bunnies and stacks of papers. I don't like this about myself, but I'm used to it. And so are the friends and family members who come over to my house...