If you want to see amazing athletic feats, you can watch the Paralympics action online or on TV. There are 3 New Jerseyans on Team USA this year. Paralympians focus on their abilities; not their disabilities and it's truly inspiring to watch them.
In the first part of our five-part Friday series on what affects high school athletes, two former athletes, Kari Lefebvre and Nico Steriti, explain why they participated.
Watching and cheering the Olympic athletes every night was a routine that many of us happily fell into. Now that the Olympics are over, are you suffering from a little withdrawal? I have a great solution to what ails you: Watch the Paralympics...
London threw a great party last night! The closing ceremony of the Olympics had all the necessary tradition and protocol to mark the transition of the Summer Games from London to Rio. But mostly, it was a night full of fun. The athletes got to let loose after all their intense practices and competitions...