President Trump: We Reported On The Seaside Park Terror Attack
President Trump has been no stranger to controversy over his first few weeks in office, and one of his most recent statements has called into question the media's reporting on acts of terrorism throughout the United States and the world at large.
After some pushback, the White House released a list of 78 attacks over the past 2 years. Though they didn't specify which events they felt were under-reported, we can say for certain that one of these events was heavily covered by our staff: this past September's trash can explosion in Seaside Park.
It had been a beautiful Saturday, which was perfect for the Insane Inflatable 5K event that we were holding in Jackson that morning. Most of our staff was on hand volunteering for the fun run, or participating in it themselves. As the event was winding down, texts began circulating throughout the crowd about a possible explosion that occurred on the other side of the county, in Seaside Park. Suddenly, the vibrant mood of the day changed.
As it turned out, we already had boots on the ground at the epicenter of the action, as our sister station 105.7 The Hawk was broadcasting live at our Seaside Park Boardwalk Studio and one of our reporters was actually running in the Seaside Semper Five run, which was the target of the bombing.
Over the next 48 hours, our team of New Jersey stations & contributors, including sister station NJ101.5, worked around the clock, updating our site & airwaves with the latest on the bombing, the suspect, and the ultimate capture of Ahmad Rahami, who was taken into custody following another bombing in Chelsea which wounded 31 and yet another attempt in Elizabeth. Major news outlets across the country also picked up the story as the developments unfolded. 92.7 WOBM continued to follow the case well into October, as Rahami began talking to federal investigators.
When all was said and done, we had well over a dozen articles following the saga from Seaside Park to Elizabeth. So to answer the question of whether this terror event was reported enough: yes, we believe it was.
All too often 'the media' are generalized as one massive unit, whose workings are foreign to the daily life of the general public. The thing is, most of us are just like you. We are people. We work in the same community we live in, and we do our best to deliver what matters to you, as accurately as possible.
At 92.7 WOBM, we pride ourselves on being Ocean County's Hometown Station, and while we cannot speak for every piece of coverage on this list, we would hope that every single event would have been picked up by their respective local news outlets, who likely share the same philosophies that we do.
Maintaining your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we will continue to take that responsibility very seriously.
NEXT: Point Pleasant Traffic Following Seaside Park Explosion
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