Reading In Ocean County’s Waiting Rooms
There's a reason I actually like to go to the doctor's office. I get to catch up on my reading. Let me explain. There's something about that period before hearing my name called that makes it okay to "veg out" with some celebrity gossip or fashion spreads. Magazine reading is something I enjoy, yet I never seem to do it at home.
Whether the wait is 10 minutes, or half an hour, scanning those publications feels like a bit of indulgence. And I love it.
But something's going wrong. Lately, I've noticed a preponderance of Sports Illustrated and Golf Magazine. Of course there are oodles of women who love sports, but where have all the "good" magazines gone? Are the female staffers taking them home? Is some sports-loving fan ordering the subscriptions? I thought women made up the largest percentage of healthcare consumers. How about spreading out some issues of "People" or "Woman's Day" on that office coffee table?
I know the above rant can totally be filed under "First World Problems." Good health is much more important than reading material, but I've noticed a change in the offerings recently and wonder if you've noticed it too.
When you're in one of Ocean County's many medical waiting rooms, how do you usually spend your time: Reading magazines? Social Media? E-mails? TV?
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