Local Diner Love and Celebrating My Mom’s Birthday
We celebrated Mom's birthday this past weekend and we knew it would be a sad one because it's the first year Mom would celebrate her birthday without my Dad.
Mom is love. She doesn't want to miss a second of her grandkid's life or my brother's and mine, for that matter. She's the epidemy of strength and hope. I'm so thankful she lives with my brother and his family, she's never alone. She's more than welcome to come to New Jersey but she is a Pennsylvania girl through and through.
OK, here's the deal, the reason for this "lovey" article, other than to brag about my Mom - We took Mom to her favorite diner Roy Ann Diner, a place Mom and Dad would go all the time. We went there all the time growing up, but especially Mom and Dad as they got older. Local diners make their regulars feel like home. I know Ocean County diners do this and I just love it. This diner that Mom and Dad frequented often knew exactly how to - even if it was for a second while missing Dad - put a smile and a happy tear on my Mom's face. We didn't even have to say what she wanted for dessert. They came out with a "big" piece of chocolate cake (Mom's favorite) with a candle burning bright and started singing to her. It brought a tear to our eye and made this birthday celebration for my Mom just a wonderful day for her and us. So, to that little diner...you made a very special lady's day "very special" and I can't thank you enough!
Happy Birthday, Mom - I love you so much!
For all the local diners that make us feel like family, we thank you so much!
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