I can tell you right now, that this is probably one of those things that frustrates so many of us (There's no way that I'm alone on this one).

No, it's nothing that would necessarily alter the way we live our lives. Rather, it's one of those everyday objects we come across that simply might make life more complicated than it needs to be.

We're all thinking about it, but nobody really says anything (well, my twin sons do). When you're in a public bathroom and you go to wash your hands, does it ever bother you when you have to deal with those stupid push knobs to get the water to come out?

They don't even stay on most of the time unless your hand is firmly on it (who even thought these were a good idea).

I mean, I understand the purpose of them is to prevent the sink from being left on when not in use. And sometimes, these push-button sinks do stay on long enough for us to finish washing our hands. But other times, not so much.

Push sink
Mike Brant - TSM

In fact, it's more common to come across these public sinks where the water only stays on while you're pushing the knob (or handle) down. But what's the practicality of that?

I just never understood how you're supposed to wash your hands efficiently if you can only have one hand under the water at a time. It's just so stupid.

Now, does this rise to the level that New Jersey should implement a ban on these particular faucets? Not at all.

But, maybe companies throughout New Jersey should wise up on perhaps not going cheap on these faucets and at least install something you don't have to keep your finger on just to get the water flowing.

It's just one of those things that I know I can't be alone with when it comes to public bathrooms in the Garden State. Yes, it's minor considering all the other issues New Jersey deals with, but it's still frustrating.

Push sink
Mike Brant - TSM

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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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