When it comes to finding love, more and more singles admit bad credit could send them away from a relationship.

Andrews Rueda, Getty Images
Andrews Rueda, Getty Images

A recent study by FreeCreditScore.com found that 30 percent of women and 20 percent of men say they won't marry a person with a low credit score.

"Both men and women view a potential partner or a romantic prospect who actually is financially responsible as more attractive," said Ken Chaplin, Senior vice President of Marketing for Experian Consumer Services.

"One of the gauges of financial responsibility was the credit score. You may have a Nike fuel band that tells you how far you've walked, you have so many friends on facebook, you have so many numbers that help quantify and help define who you are. In the financial space, there are many clues about yourself, but with a credit score, we found that nearly half of the respondents actually discussed a credit score with their partner."

According to the survey, 96 percent of women found financial responsibility more attractive than physical attractiveness.

"A credit score doesn't really give away too much information. It's not asking how much someone makes. Someone who makes a relatively small amount of money could have a very high credit score and someone who makes a decent salary could have a low credit score. So, what it helps define is your responsibility, your ability to pay back debt, your ability to live within your means and your attractiveness around some of those qualities that many women find important," said Chaplin. "On the other hand, while men want a woman who is financially responsible, they don't put more weight on that than looks."

Why is the number so important?

"Credit scores are so readily available. The numbers are easier to use and easier to discuss as a means of sharing financial information. You could be at a cocktail party and give your number and while that doesn't tell much about you, it does let someone know if you're financially responsible and if you pay your bills on time," said Chaplin. "If you're thinking future, you certainly don't want to be saddled with someone else's debt."

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