Shannon Holly

Is It Legal To Help Another New Jersey Driver Avoid A Speed Trap?
Flashing to alert someone because there is a deer carcass ahead is one thing, but is warning about police ahead obstruction of justice?

These Are The 10 Most Common Italian Last Names In New Jersey And Their Meanings
You know that famous soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet, “what’s in a name? That part of the play is trying to convince us that the meaning of a name is irrelevant. Well, tell that to my Italian grandmother. She had such pride in the last name Calabrese, meaning, from Calabria, which is in the southernmost part of Italy beside Sicily.

Illegal Baby Names Across The Country And In New Jersey
There are laws for just about everything, including naming your baby. You can get creative, but there are boundaries. Laws vary from state to state, and New Jersey’s rules are some of the most strict.

This New Jersey Spot Newly Crowned Best Pizza At the Jersey Shore
This is one hell of a title. Best pizza at the Jersey Shore. I’m sweating just thinking about the pressure. To carry this title, your slice has to hold up to Jersey natives and the NYC day-trippers alike, and believe me, if it’s not up to par you’ll know about it.

New Jersey If You Find Money On Your Car Leave Immediately And Call Police
Just when we were starting to feel good with viral videos of people leaving snacks and beverages for busy delivery employees working around the clock for the holidays or pizza delivery guys getting an unexpected hundred-dollar tip, we are reminded that sometimes money is used as bait for something sinister.

These Are The Top Hospitals In New Jersey And America
When you are sick or going into labor that’s not the time to start thinking about where you get your care. Newsweek makes it easy for you because they just came out with the world’s best hospitals list for 2023. This way, you know before you go.

Listeria Scare In New Jersey Has Supermarket Pulling Shrimp Off Shelves
This is a warning for seafood lovers that you should hear about before your next shopping trip. There is a widespread food recall due to Listeria contamination and it includes New Jersey.

He Makes How Much? Guy Fieri’s New Net Worth Will Blow Your Mind
We love Guy Fieri in Jersey. His down-to-earth personality and love of everyday food draws us in every single time. He’s definitely living the dream and making big bank while he does it but how many paychecks is he actually getting?

This Is What To Do If You Can’t Pay Your Taxes This Year In New Jersey
Times are tough and with inflation, you may struggle to pay if you owe the government tax money. If you are unable to pay there are some important steps you must take.

Wendy Williams Update: She’s Back To Work In Asbury Park, New Jersey
Wendy Williams is back! Well, she will be in the fall. In fact, she was just spotted filming in our backyard in Asbury Park.