American Legion Hosts Their 30th Annual POW-MIA Watchfire

Remembering our Veteran's is always a critical point for the American Legion and remembering our POW's (Prisoners of War) and MIA's (Missing in Action) is always an important part of that remembrance.
Each year, for the past 30 years, the Sons of the American Legion Detachment of New Jersey have hosted their POW-MIA Watchfire. This event is a 12 hour vigil from 7 PM to 7 AM. Members of the American Legion will stand watch at this bonfire for 12 straight hours in recognition of our still missing Prisoner's of War and Missing in Action Veterans. Founded in 1932, Sons of The American Legion exists to honor the service and sacrifice of Legionnaires.
The American Legion "Watchfire" is OPEN to the general public. The "watchfire" kicks off Saturday night at 7 PM and will end Sunday morning at 7 am. The "watchfire" takes place at 1200 Route 35 in Seaside Heights.
Come out and show your support for our missing veteran's and support the Son's of the American Legion. It will be good weather for a bonfire with partly cloudy skies and 53 degrees for a low.... so bring a hoodie and blanket. Show your pride and support this weekend in Seaside Heights.

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