Earlier this week I took a walk down Robbins Street to grab myself some lunch. On the way, I happened to see a pair of firefighters at Toms River Volunteer Fire Company #1 hanging out. So I stopped to chat.

We talked about a bunch of things, from how the fire house sirens work (the one at their firehouse is pneumatic) to how they felt about our Best Looking Fire Truck competition (they definitely think they'd have the votes to win. We'll find out soon!), and how they're in need of new firefighters.

If you've ever thought of becoming a firefighter, you might not realize how easy it is.

First, you do have to be 18 or older and not have a criminal record, but from there you can pretty much show up and say, "hey, I want to be a firefighter!".

Toms River Volunteer Company #1 has their meetings on Tuesdays, with the first Tuesday of every month being their full membership meeting.

These men and women are fully volunteers. They put their lives on the line to protect the people of Ocean County not for pay or perks, but for the greater good and service to the community. Will you be the next to answer the call?


Up Next - The winners of the first Best Looking Fire Truck In Ocean County:


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