We keep hearing about the impending snowstorm coming to the Shore this weekend ..... Still not sure how much, but probably enough to go out and sled. Thinking about sledding brings me back to being a kid. Were you like us ? Stay out all day til it was getting dark and you were blue and half frozen? We would stay out till our hats scarves and mittens were frozen! We would have snow all inside our boots and our socks frozen!
We had one big hill in our neighborhood and every kid on the block would make their way to it, so there would be multiple sleds are dashing down the hill at the same time ... often leading to a collision. The pile-ups were epic and I think we enjoyed crashing more than making it to the bottom...
When we got home we'd make Mom mad by tracking snow in the house and there would be snow clothes all over the laundry room .... Guess I didn't put clothes in wash at that age either lol
After the clothes tornado we'd be in the hunt for something hot ... Hot chocolate, soup etc .... so once again Mom would be needed
Does this sound like you growing up?
Do your kids love to play outside on a snow day ?
Be safe this weekend and stay with WOBM for latest weather info

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