Will there be a Cinderella story in Trenton today or will we see a pumpkin at midnight?

Governor Chris Christie has ordered all state agencies in New Jersey to prepare for a possible government shutdown, with the prospects for approving a state budget today not looking good.

Christie has already sent a letter to all of his cabinet members to identify essential services only and prepare for the worst case scenario.

In a game of finger pointing, Christie says it's Assembly Speaker Vinnie Prieto's fault and people should blame him if some state services shut down Saturday, should the legislature not pass a budget today.

He did not however get into details of what would happen this weekend if the state doesn't have an spending plan adopted.

"I think that what will happen is that government will close and state parks are part of government," said Christie. "I mean, he's playing a very dangerous game here for reasons I can't even begin to understand."

He says his administration has developed a list of contingency plans for a government shutdown for years.

On Thursday his Chief Counsel directed cabinet officials to update those drafts by noon today just in case the Assembly doesn't adopt a budget today.


In the event of a shutdown state parks and recreation areas would close, roadwork would begin to wind down and as of next week MVC offices would close, state courts would close and thousands of state workers would be instructed to stay home.

Infants and veterans, families and felons, doctors and druggists – all are factors in considerations by the Bipartisan Heroin Task Force in the House of Representatives, which issued its nine-point agenda of legislation proposals this week.

In a fractious atmosphere under the Capitol dome, 90 members of Congress agreeing on anything is progress. Shore Representative Tom MacArthur (R-3), who co-chairs the panel with New Hampshire Democrat Annie Kuster, said that the sobering facts of the nation’s drug siege meant checking politics at the door.

The bills are the culmination of months of hearings, internal discussions, and research to determine the most effective strategies in curbing addictions, and stemming the flow of narcotics that lead to them.

“We’re trying to balance our desire to show compassion for people who are struggling with addiction, with enforcement and security,” MacArthur said. “Some bills we’ve added to the agenda deal with prevention, some deal with treatment, some focus on families, on babies that are born addicted, veterans, law enforcement issues, border protection.”

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